I guess it comes as no surprise that I tend to keep an eye out every week for news articles and stories regarding obesity and weight loss. As some might say, I have a dog in this fight. Battling my obesity is one fight I plan to win – and information is key!
So, here are a few obesity news articles that caught my eye and may be of interest to our readers:
LA Times – Girls called ‘too fat’ are more likely to become obese, study finds
This article really hit me on a very visceral level, as I really hate that some people out there believe “fat shaming” is a viable motivational tool to get obese people to diet. As someone subjected to many, many years of “fat shaming” by well-meaning family and friends, I already knew how counterproductive it can be to one’s feelings about him or herself, and consequently, on his or her outlook on life.
It’s nice to see there is a study that shows how “fat shaming” can not only be counterproductive, but actually increases the probability that an obese child will be likely to become an even more obese young adult.
Huffington Post – What Causes Obesity? Top Cardiology Journal Spreads Confusion
It’s troubling to see how far behind the times that some members of the medical community are in regard to the why’s and how’s of obesity. Thankfully, Dr. Jeff Ritterman posted this excellent piece debunking a study in the Journal of American College of Cardiologists. In my opinion, this physician points the blame directly where it should be pointed – not at the obese patients who aren’t active enough to burn calories, according to Journal’s findings, but at the companies that present an endless variety of sugar-filled beverages, candy and carbohydrate-rich foods to American consumers.
I’ve long been a proponent that, as a nation, we should not be subsidizing “bad” foods and beverages loaded with sugar and carbs with taxpayer dollars as we do. Instead, we should shift those tax dollars to subsidize industries that provide good, whole foods like fresh meats, vegetables and fruits. Let’s face it, as dieters, we know the world around us is teeming with cheap, carb-heavy foods in every direction, but what we really need are more healthy, affordable options for food.
Isn’t it troubling that eating healthy food is so much more expensive than eating the bad carb-loaded stuff?
USA Today – Couric’s ‘Fed Up’ documents kids’ obesity crisis
Speaking of obesity and the food industry, this article takes a look at the new documentary by Katie Couric, Fed Up. It opened nationwide on Friday, May 9th and looks the relationship between childhood obesity and the modern food industry square in the face.
Certainly, one can’t blame poor food choices and bad eating habits on the fast food and junk food industries alone. But, it seems that this film reveals some disturbing facts about how the suppliers of junk food, fast food and sugar-rich sodas have used some pretty awful tactics to get kids hooked on bad food at a very young age. Personally, I really look forward to seeing what this documentary has to say, and I have a feeling many of us who struggle with obesity might gain some insights viewing a movie like Fed Up.
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